"; echo "
"; } elseif (isset($viewid) and isset($gm_id)) { #This only applies when coming from giftmates.php echo "Return to GiftMates"; } elseif (isset($viewid)) { # This only applies if they're viewing only (not logged in to their own WonderList) #if (isset($gm_id) or isset($from)) { echo "Return to Main"; } ?>

's WonderList

's WonderList is not shared.

But you can view 's: PicturesClassifieds Wannas Blogs Favorites Links
You can also view 's: Pictures Classifieds Wannas Blogs Favorites Links

0) { ?>
General Gift Ideas:
(Likes, Interests) "; } mysql_free_result($id_result); } else { echo "Error retrieving"; } echo "

"; } ?> 0) { ?>
Preferred Gift Certificates: "; } mysql_free_result($ce_result); } else { echo "Error retrieving"; } echo "

"; } ?> 0) { ?>
Donate4Me Preferred Charities: "; } mysql_free_result($ch_result); } else { echo "Error retrieving"; } echo "
"; } ?>
  ";} # if ($records > 1) {echo "Found $records gift entries on $viewid's Wonderlist:
";} if ($result) { while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $date = $r["date_added"]; $descr = $r["description"]; $link = $r["link"]; $image = $r["image"]; $retailer = $r["retailer"]; $price = $r["price"]; if ($price == '1') { $dprice = 'not specified'; } if ($price == '2') { $dprice = '$20 or less'; } if ($price == '3') { $dprice = '$20-$50'; } if ($price == '4') { $dprice = '$50-$75'; } if ($price == '5') { $dprice = '$75-$100'; } if ($price == '6') { $dprice = '$100 or more'; } $entry_id = $r["entry_id"]; $rank = $r["rank"]; if ($rank == "not specified") {$rank = "none";} if ($link != "") { if (strpos($link, "http") !== 0) {$link = "http://$link";} } else {$link = "None";} if ($image == "") {$image = "images/none.bmp";} $image_size=getimagesize($image); if ($image_size[0] > $image_size[1]) { $width = 100; $height = 100/($image_size[0]/$image_size[1]); } else { $height = 100; $width = 100/($image_size[1]/$image_size[0]); } echo ""; if ($link == "None") { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } echo ""; } echo ""; } else { echo "No gifts on $viewid's list.
"; } mysql_free_result($result); ?>
NOTE: Click the 'Status' button to see if this item has been marked as bought, or to mark it as bought.
Picture/Link Description/Link Retailers Price Range Rank Options

$descr$retailer$dprice$rank"; # FORM FOR -MARK AS BOUGHT- IS BELOW, NOT COMPLETED echo "
"; echo "

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